




As an artist, we are entitled to ask ourselves what is the financial value of our works, from what rating can we benefit from in relation to the art market.

In theory, the setting of the official price of an artist can only be established following several public sales on the secondary market, the sales prices are then the basis for calculating the price. The art market being a place of sale, it is often more a question of business than of art, quotations are often the subject of manipulation to increase or to artificially maintain the price of an artist.

Legally, an artist's rating must be carried out by an expert approved by a court, it is the only official valuation valid before the courts and insurance companies. All other quotes are indicative only and have no legal or commercial value, it being understood that prices are free and that the market rules in purchases / sales.

The art market is not only public, but largely private. The first sales of an artist are often made to relatives, then less relatives, unknown buyers, enthusiasts and collectors ... The artist sells near his home, then in the neighboring town, then in a capital, then abroad ... At each of these stages, he makes real sales, the prices of which depend on many factors, as the artist gets a precise idea of ​​the financial value of his works.

If the artist is not known, it will be the PRICE at which he sells his own works that will determine the price, but only in front of his potential buyers. To others, its rating will mean nothing, because RATING is not an exact science and takes much more than an estimate.

>>> Example of Artcertificate certificate of value.

Artcertificate uses analytical AI software which, thanks to a precise questionnaire, allows an artist to be objectively situated on the art market. This evaluation provides a point index of 10 cm2 allowing the selling price of the artist's works to be evaluated according to their sizes. A certificate of value is issued in order to provide information on the reputation of the artist and his developments. This evaluation depends on objective criteria such as the technique used (oil, watercolor, acrylic, bronze, resin, etc.), the dimensions of the work, the experience and notoriety of the artist, the number of personal exhibitions. and collectives produced by the artist, the number of press articles, significant books about him, the existence of an official website on the web dedicated to his art, training (art school, self-taught) ...

In any case, this certificate of value does not replace a legal quotation carried out by an expert approved by European courts and cannot be legally used for declarations of value to insurance companies and institutional organizations.

In an art market which is increasingly forgetting about artists, the artist must take power over the valuation of his works, he does not always need the subjective opinion of an art market. , institution, specialists, experts to define the real value of his works. The artist must develop his works, but also their valuation.

Artcertificate allows artists to create a certificate of artist value.

ArtCertificate allows you to establish your artist valuation free of charge. A dedicated page will showcase your estimated value, along with tables indicating price estimates based on dimensions. Additionally, you will have the option to download a value certificate for a fee.

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An artist's rating indicates their recognition and the value of their artwork. The rating is acquired by auction on the secondary market. The rating of an artist can vary depending on the economy and the artist's background. To be credible, the rating must be stable over several years.

It allows buyers, sellers, dealers, auctioneers, insurance company experts, brokers, museum curators and estate notaries to have a reliable starting point to evaluate their artworks. This measure reassures the buyer by positioning the artist on the market.

If the artist is not yet on the secondary market, his or her rating can be evaluated based on the following criteria: the number of exhibitions, the reputation of the venues (museums, galleries, foundations), the number and name of the collectors, the quality of their communication, the number of sales, the average price of the artworks sold, etc...

Determining the value of a painting or a sculpture involves communicating an estimation range between a lower estimate and a higher estimate. Quite often, the lower estimate in an auction is the reserve price. The artwork will not be sold below this reserve price. This allows you to determine the average value of your artwork. The artist's rating on sale is based on the auction or hammer price.

Artcertificate has chosen to use the term 'certificate of value' so as not to cause confusion with the official artist rating of legal experts.

The certificate of value is therefore the equivalent of a rating certificate, but it is written by an artist himself using an AI software which determines a rating according to the criteria he has entered.

You can print the CERTIFICATE OF VALUE.
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